Seasonal Retreats
Corresponding to the Church calendar, The Abbey's seasonal retreats offer Christian leaders sacred space to simply be with God in the midst of the many demands of ministry. Each half-day retreat includes a brief time of guided group teaching, worship, and opportunities for individual spiritual direction, with the majority of the day left largely unscheduled to allow time for rest, reflection, and encountering God.
Lenten Retreat: The Road Home
Henri Nouwen writes, “Lent is a time of returning to God. . . . a time of refocusing, of reentering the place of truth, of reclaiming our true identity. It is a time to confess how we keep looking for joy, peace, and satisfaction in the many people and things surrounding us without really finding what we desire. Only God can give us what we want. . .”
“. . . A time of returning to God.”
The pace and intensity of life easily moves us away from our intimacy with God and before we are even aware of it, we find ourselves disconnected from God’s sweetness and disconnected from ourselves and others. Even in this holy season, we need to return. We long for God to once again be our joy, peace, and deep satisfaction.
It could be said that Lent is the road - Jesus is the destination.
Join us to explore how to encounter and reconnect with God and discover satisfaction in Him as we walk the road of Lent together.
When: Thursday, February 08, 2018 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Where: Stone House at Mother Cabrini Shrine (Exit #259 from I-70 West)
20189 Cabrini Blvd, Golden, CO US 80401
Cost: $50, includes retreat, lunch, and an optional 30-minute session of spiritual direction. Spiritual direction will be provided by graduates of Denver Seminary’s MA in Christian Formation and Soul Care.
Future Retreats
Join us for future retreats that will correspond with liturgical seasons of the Church year.