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"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters...

Listen, listen to Me and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.

Give ear and come to Me; listen, that you may live..."

Isaiah 55:1a, 2b, 3a (NIV)


What We Do

What We Believe

Who We Are


The Abbey invites you to be still, breathe deeply and reconnect with God and yourself.


What We Do


Renewal for Faith Leaders

The Abbey invites local Christian leaders to experience the Praxis, a safe place and powerful process to receive care for your own soul. 

Personal Spiritual Guidance

Journey with trained Christian spiritual directors as you discover a deeper sense of God's presence in your life.

Sacred Space to Encounter God

Seasonal retreats offer biblical teaching and spiritual renewal, connecting you to the grounding rhythms of the Church year. 

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What We Believe

The Abbey was born out of the conviction that Christians are invited to begin experiencing life in the kingdom of God here and now. We believe the work God does in us is as important as the work God does through us and seek to create space for Christians in Colorado to deeply experience the transformative reality of living all of life with God. 


Who We Are

The Abbey is an interdenominational ministry inviting Christians in Colorado to deepen their life with God. The Abbey weaves together wisdom from various streams within the centuries of Christian teaching and practice.

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